John J Fenton

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The 7 Benefits of Mastering Leadership and Why It's Important

One of my favorite definitions of great leadership is one that I quote often. Stephen Covey, author of The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People, wrote: "Leadership is affirming people's worth and potential so clearly that they are inspired to see it in themselves".  

That's a powerful statement packed with immense insight. Have you ever thought of leading in a way that inspires others to see their own worth and potential?  

To inspire is to breathe life into the notion that each has their own unique ability, value and potential. The act of affirming these in others by the leader gives credibility to the idea.  

You've likely experienced this for yourself. Was there someone in your life who believed in you, saw your potential and inspired you to go outside of your comfort zone taking you to higher levels of success? I'll bet there was.

Mastery is not the achievement of some title or status. Mastery is a process. It's something you strive to attain and in doing so, growth happens. In reality you never really master anything because there is always something to learn and always opportunity for growth.

Mastery requires self-reflection, self-awareness and a keen sense of who you truly are. It's doing the inner work so that your outward actions are aligned with your inner strength. 

Leadership requires being present. Presence is a state of being. If you're distracted or worried or concerned how you might look to your board or to your colleagues or to those whom you lead, you are not present.  

Athletes describe it as being in the zone. Artists say they were in the flow. Presence is in the moment, it's being connected to others and creating a sense of psychological safety within the group, and allows you to see the bigger picture. 

There are many benefits of mastering leadership. From my experiences, I've chosen to share 7 that I feel are at the very core of great leadership.

The 7 Benefits of Mastering Leadership:

#1. Better Results

When you are aligned, your actions are clear creating little or no ambiguity. This helps to create an environment where the employees feel safe to contribute.  The result is improved productivity, reduced waste, creative problem-solving and a much improved cash flow and bottom line.

#2. Authenticity

When your actions are aligned with your inner strength, you operate from a place of authenticity and others see it and feel it. Your willingness to be vulnerable and authentic adds to the culture of safety and builds high trust within the organization. 

Because you are coming from a place of authenticity, you spend the majority of your time in your Zone of Genius. The Zone of Genius is the area of your business that you do better than anyone else, and which contributes greatest to the organization as a whole.

#3. Raving Customers

See #1 & #2 above. Happy contributing employees will wow your customers with better service because of your aligned leadership mindset resulting in a high-trust culture.

#4. Resilience

When "the yogurt hits the fan", you'll be ready because you have done the work that enables you to be present in any situation. You are calm and focused. Instead of feeling overwhelmed or exhausted, you find the respite you need in a moment's notice that adds to your personal energy level. The result is extreme clarity and better decision-making.

#5. Agility & Resourcefulness

You see solutions and possibilities that others might have missed and you're ready to take the challenge on. You see it as an opportunity to grow the business, to pivot or something to learn from that will strengthen the company going forward.

#6. Accountability 

You hold yourself accountable and hold others able. You foster a sense of personal safety within the organization that empowers everyone to hold themselves accountable and to make their contributions to the whole meaningful.

#7. More Freedom 

You have more freedom to enjoy your success and the success of your team now. You are healthier (see #4 above) and are recharged and energized. You are confident that your team gets it because they are accountable and responsible.

And as a bonus, you are spending much of your efforts in your Zone of Genius. Doing so fills you with energy and the joy you experience leads to you being you. Your authentically adds to bottom line.

So be present, enjoy your success now and be the leader they want to follow.

Until next time!

p.s. If you want to have more clarity and be the best leader you can be, then get my free "CEO's Daily 5 Minute Mindset Guide" 

p.s.s. Leave your comments below. And if you like this article, please share it someone you feel could benefit by reading it.

"I'm driven by one overarching belief. A belief that you (and I) are responsible for being the best leader you can be, for your family, your company, your community ... leaving the world a little bit better off than before."