Posts in Leadership
What it Takes to Be a Champion

High achieving leaders know that having a clear vision of what the future looks like is critical to achieving success. And on a personal level, success requires that you create a vision for the life you really want, and then practice relentless persistence never to give up.

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The Law of Slight Edge

The Law of Slight Edge is this: What one thing can you learn OR what thing can you increase by just 1% each day that will propel you forward exponentially to achieve your goals? I call these your Breakthrough Goals, the goals that quantum leap your success.

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Essential Leadership In Times of Massive Uncertainty

Crisis = Opportunity

Whether you know it or not because of COVID19, right now is the opening up of a potentially massive boom time of new opportunities over the course of the next 10 years. History mimics itself and we can look to the past to know that new opportunities emerge from nearly every crisis.

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A Leg Up on the Competition

CEOs are forever seeking a competitive edge in order to achieve results and reach their goals or earnings targets. You're a leader. Results matter. According to Patrick M. Lencioni, author of several books, including "The Five Temptations of a CEO", "The most important principle that an executive must embrace is a desire to produce results".

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